Disable-Enable Lock Workstation Functionality (Windows + L)

As everybody knows, using the Windows+L keys together will lock your workstation running Windows 7, XP or Vista. Did you realize that you can also disable this function by using a registry hack?

I suspect that this article will be much more useful to those of you who can’t lock your workstation, but either way we’ll show how to configure this setting.

Manual Registry Hack

Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search box, and then browse down to the following key, creating it if it doesn’t exist:


On the right-hand side, create a new DWORD 32-bit value named DisableLockWorkstation and give it one of these values:

•1 – Disable Lock Workstation
•0 – Enable Lock Workstation
The changes should be immediate, no need to restart anything.
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